talvez minha vida seja assim



O discurso de Ren Volpe

Desculpas a quem não fala inglês, em breve devo traduzir esse belíssimo texto. Publico ele aqui hoje em comemoração ao aniversário de 1 ano de namoro meu e de Violeta. Tem discurso mais inspirador?


Speech To San Francisco's Fourth Annual Dyke March
by Ren Volpe
Lesbian Activist

Welcome to San Francisco's Fourth Annual Dyke March! Are you psyched to be here? Do you know how fabulous you all look from up here? You women are fucking beautiful!

Tonight, together all 30,000 of us are creating change just by being here. Tonight, we can't be ignored. Tonight, we are definitely not invisible!

But the Dyke March is about way more than just dyke visibility. Look around you. Look at the woman in front of you. Look at the woman behind you. Go ahead, look at her. At this moment we are a vision of what community could look like. We are all here! Tonight, the streets belong to us. For this one night we can make our voices heard! For this one night we are thirty thousand strong and we have the power. We are a force to be reckoned with! How does it feel?

Women, we can have this every day! We can create this kind of strength, solidarity and sisterhood every single day of the year! What would it take to unleash our power?

There are a million ways to make change. There are a million ways to unleash our dyke power. Tonight, we want all of you to make noise and take up lots of space! We want you to take your shirts off, stop traffic and dance in the streets!

And tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, we gotta keep this energy going. There are a million ways to unleash our dyke power.

What can we do?
We can eat more pussy!
Eat more ice cream!
We can organize!
We can get angry!
We can demand respect!
Don't take shit from men!
Remember Lorena Bobbit!

There are a million ways
to make change!
We can confront racism every time!
We can run for office!
We can create better sex toys!
Can we please manufacture affordable tampons?

What can we do?
Kill Jenny Craig!
Love your body! Love her body!
Hell, love my body!
Demand universal health care!
Seduce a straight woman!
Help a mother!
Come out to your mother!
Act up fight back fight AIDS!

Be political in any way you can!
Listen to Jocelyn Elders, masturbate!
Know who your congresspeople are
and who they are taking money from!
Be nice to your ex-girlfriend!
We live in California, speak Spanish!

How can we unleash our dyke power?
Show more cleavage!
Take to the streets
Raise money, raise hell!
Out a cop!
Speak up!
Listen to youth!
Fight for education, not prisons
Tell the truth about incest
Learn self-defense!
Have good sex!

Make your voice heard!
A community is created by what it stands for!
Support immigrant rights!
Defend an abortion clinic
Have more good sex! Read dyke books!
Fight to keep affirmative action!
Vote NO on the phony California Civil Rights Initiative!

There are as many ways to fight oppression as there are women here
Volunteer for a dyke organization!
Support women artists!
Demand a raise! Pay women what we're worth!
Take your power back!
Take your panties off!
Fuck shit up!

How can we unleash our dyke power?

Keep the momentum going so we are never invisible again. No retreat, we won't go back! We won't overturn affirmative action and we won't go back in the closet! We won't stop fighting for our rights.

Have a great march! We'll see you again next year, and until then, do whatever it is you can to make a difference in your communities. Thank you for coming and may all your orgasms be multiple.

Marcadores: ,

3 Comentários:

Em 9/7/07 03:24, Blogger Violeta disse...

Esse dircurso é simplismente incrivel! Acho que ele é um bom resumo de tudo que eu acredito!

Obrigada por tudo, um ano não é um mês...

amo muito, muito, muito!!


Em 9/7/07 21:59, Blogger Ana Arcanjo disse...

"Keep the momentum going so we are never invisible again. No retreat, we won't go back! We won't overturn affirmative action and we won't go back in the closet! We won't stop fighting for our rights."
Amém, irmã!

and may all orgasms be multiple!

Comentando só pra marcar presença (toda vez q venho nao comento nada)!
Morrendo enormemente de saudade de vcs!
E parabéns pelo 1 ano!
(depois quero saber das comemorações, ok?)

Em 12/7/07 15:00, Anonymous Anônimo disse...


Mewww, quero fazer parte dessa força, final sou mulher e odeiooo essa baboseira machista..

Se tem alguma ajuda de como participar de comunidades que lutam pelos direitos das lésbicas?


E parabens pelo 1 ano de namoro, o meu foi a 2 meses atras ^^


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